James J. Kuffner, Jr.
Carnegie Mellon University
The Robotics Institute
Newell-Simon Hall, Room 4228A
5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
TEL: (412) 268-8818
FAX: (412) 268-6436
Robotics, motion planning, computer graphics, computer animation, computational geometry, physically-based modeling, virtual prototyping
1989-1999 |
Stanford University,
Stanford, CA.
Ph.D., Computer Science. Conferred January 2000. |
M.S., Computer Science (Systems specialization). Conferred January 1995.
B.S. (with distinction), Computer Science. Conferred June 1993. GPA: 4.0+
Spring 1992 |
Oxford University, Magdalen College, Oxford, England. |
2001-present |
Associate Professor, The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, School. of Computer Science. Pittsburgh, PA.
Developing algorithms and technniques for motion control of humanoid
robots and computer-animated human figures. |
2001-present |
AIST Research Fellow, Digital Human Lab, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST)., Tokyo, Japan.
Designing efficient models for human simulation and motion generation. |
List of online publications
For complete list, download full CV: kuffner_vita.pdf (102 Kb)